Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Here are 2 I did

The Girls
I did this one for Guess Designer at

This one is my entry for a Contest at A Million Memories.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

I'm so Exited

2 of my LO won at our local scrapbook store Scrapbooks and Stuff
Check them out if you have time. They have a great blog and gallery. I'm going to visit the store soon, It changed owners a few months ago but I have not had time to drop by will do so real soon.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Mojo Girls Meeting

I met some of the ladies from Scrappinmojo in Sarasota last week. It was so much fun. Everyone was so nice it was like we knew each other for years. Here are some of the pictures from our meeting.


This is what this little girl is, in so many ways she has a funny and adventurous personality. This LO was a lot of work to do but I love it. I used the sewing machine again that was collecting dust and I hand stitch also.


Is not often that I do boy LOs, but these pictures of my Son Daniel inspired me to scrap.


Here is another one I did this week. Love that big butterfly is big just like my little Natalie's and Monica's personality.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Treasures of the Heart

My New Favorite LO.
Treasures of the Heart

This was for a photo swap over at 2peas, Calendar Girls Challenges. I Love working with Leighann and her beautiful Daughter Ella.

Happy Together

Is not often I scrap my Darling Son, is hard for me to do boy LOs, however, I am very happy on how it turned out.


Summer Vacation

The kids and I were on Vacation last week in Naples, we had a great deal of fun.
The kids went to the beach, pool and riding 4 wheelers, they also went to the Ringlin Museum in Sarasota.

My poor son, he just did not know how to ride the 4 wheeler, finally when he was able to ride it he crashed against a tree. Oh Lord help me when he starts driving
Daniel and Danny

Monica playing at the pool

Cousins, left 2 right, Daisy, Daniel, Monica, Chantel and Natalie at the beach

Natalie at the Beach at Sunset

I also had the opportunity to meet with some of the ladies from Scrappinmojo.

Mojo Girls. left 2 right Sharon, Chryssy, Jan, Me and Terri