Monday, November 30, 2009

"Megaliscious (if that's a word!) Blogcandy!!!"

Not only is she giving an amazing blog candy, but her talent is amazing.
check it out right here. Imagine, Create, Inspire....

Quick Christmas Cards.

I'm not so happy with these but they are done and I did 13 so far.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Dream **Practical Scrapper Sketch Friday***

Second Post of the Day

This is for Sketch Friday over at Practical ScrappersI loved working with this sketch.


Got some Scrapping In Yesterday

I did Joy for a monthly challenge over at Scrappinmojo and Angel for the Sketch challenge at Scrap Attack


Friday, November 27, 2009

Challenge Master

Check it out they have great challenges plenty to choose from
here is the lynk Challenge Masters

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Hope all of you have a wonderful blessed day. Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

When You Thought I Wasn't Looking ***Scrap That Poetry***

I'm loving these challenges, I love poetry so this is right up my alley.
My DH does a lot of thinks I am so grateful for but never really tell him. He is such a strong character person that when we had Natalie I saw a side of him I never knew he had. Our little Natalie is growing up so fast.


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Christmas Card.

I did these to put in my Etsy store, but I really like them may keep at least some of them they look so pretty IRL.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

So Thankful

This was for a challenge at scrappinmojo. We had to choose someone in our life's that we are thankful for. I have a lot of people that I am so thankful for. After asking my older two Daniel and Monica, they both said Madrina (my sister) and yes she is my life line and without her I would be completely lost and she is the little sister but more than that she is my best friend. But I did not want to do it about her, so then I asked someone else, that makes you smile and love they both said Natalie. I took their word and went to work. Can I tell you all how so very blessed I am for the best kids in the world.

So Thankful
The Journaling reads: I am thankful for each and everyone of your siblings, but you my sunshine are one special little girl. You have brought so much joy and happiness to our family. Those big brown eyes of yours are always beaming with happiness and joy. You have such an amazing personality you can converse with an adult or a baby. You always have fun, your imagination is endless, your heart is big and you love "Loving Time".

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Pat's Assignment #3

Yesterday we went to an Art Festival in Plantation FL. It was ok not a great big one but it was nice and they had really creative art, Monica loved the jewelery they had and Natalie enjoyed the park. But when I saw this man with his Bird I knew I had to take a picture of it for this assignment, I think the people around me must of thought I was a nut, trying to take a picture of this bird from far away. I think it turned out great I used Monica's little camera. I tried to play with photo shop but could not get the effect I wanted maybe next time.

Frosted Design..Bling & Scrap a Little

When I saw a bling challenge at Frosted Designs I just knew I had to do it. I love bling. I also used one of the Sketches from Scrap a Little.
I took so many pictures at the Princess Ball they had at Natalie's school, I'm having lots of fun scrapping them. I want to make a mini album of her Pre-K, I also want to make one to give to her teacher of all the kids at the end of the school year.

I used Glimmer Mist, bling, glitter pps.

More Scrap A Little Sketches

I just love these sketches.
check it out right here Scrap a Little

here is one of the sketches.

My Little Cow Girl


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Scrap A Little Sketches.

I did all 3 Sketcher for November. Today has been one of my favorite days, DH made chicken soup, my mom and sister came for a while, and I scrapped. Perfect. Thanks so much for looking.

Cat Girl The minute I saw this LO I knew I had to use this pp. I removed the small circle and added a bigger one. It's shimmery looks real nice IRL.

The Girls We had such a great time at "The Little Farm"

Animal Lover Monica stood next to this horse most of the day, she was so worried that she had kicked her water bucket and it was hot out. Monica was trying to get the attention of the people there.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Hollywood here WE come


My little Drama queen, is so many ways, every family has an entertainer, well she is ours. The girl has talent, we had to record this because it was just too funny, she reminded me of Fay Wray in King Kong, she is old school kinda actress very mellow dramatic if you know what I mean. She can sing, she can dance and boy can she act, maybe I should say Broadway her WE come.

So Scare TFL

All About Me Challenge Can't live without


I know that if they take my coffee away I would be a very miserable woman. I don't think nothing could be worse oh maybe chocolate. I really enjoy these challenges.

Frosted Design Color Challenge

This week's challenge is to use Brown, Teal and Orange, I also added a little black, because I thought it was black, teal and orange and I just could not start over from scratch so I added some brown, and actually it looks better than without the brown.


Friday, November 6, 2009

Sunset out West

Another one for Pat's photo assignment it was to out your door and take pictures, well yesterday on our way home I saw this beautiful sunset. This road is the last road going North and South in Dade county (Miami FL) and you can see a perfect sunset, I looked down and Stan had taken the camera that day to take some photos at the boat show so I had to take the picture. Going to take better ones but this one was just there. What you are seeing is the sun set over the Florida Everglades.

Florida Sunset

I just used Corel paint shop pro photo to add the border.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Turning Point ***All About Me Challenge***

I did this one for the All about me Challenge blog,

I have had a few turning points in my life, at every turn I learned a valuable lesson. The turning point that has changed me the most and taught me the most, happened just about 3 years ago, when one evening while I was screaming and yelling like a lunatic, my little Natalie at that time a little over a year, had the same tantrum I was having. I looked at her and realized that I was not giving her the same loving carefree childhood my other two older kids had, that somewhere along the way I had become a very stressed out woman. I was always depress lost of things had happened in my life my choice that I could not turn back and I had to move on. I consulted the best Psychologist I had ever seen and I had seen a few. The very first day she knew just what was going on, she said my biggest problem was that I was overwhelmed, overwhelmed those words hit me, they hit me right were it counts. She said she you are stress, yes you are depress but the root of it all is you are overwhelmed, with all you have. She showed me the best tools, and it was me. She said if I start changing the whole house will run the way I want it. Little by little everything has turned around, I not overwhelmed any longer, I'm not depress I still get stressed out, I still yell and scream at the kids sometimes, but now I have the tools to control myself now I'm a much happier person and my kids know I'm back to being me.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Some Halloween pics.

The Girls Halloween Night.
Little Ms. Monica found this Cat Woman/Girl custome in my halloween stuff it belong to my sister it is at least 20 years old the only thing missing was the mask but she did not want to wear one so it worked out great.

My Little Pocahontas

Monica at Cat Girl