Sunday, May 30, 2010


A day to THANK all our Fallen Heroes, For giving their life for our Freedom.
My parent's brought me to this Country when I was 7, but my Mother, taught me to LOVE this Country like my Own. She would said God first, Country Second and Family third. That's how she was also raised. She taught us to be very patriotic since we were little. In my native country of Cuba, by the time I finished Kindergarten everyone knew the National Anthem. I also know the American National Anthem, since my mom played both anthems every New Year's Eve.

If you know a Solider Thank him/her today.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Islands of Adventure ***Frosted Design Reveal**

This week we had a This picture for inspiration

TGIF and reveal day at Frosted Designs
and we had to use the colors for inspiration. It was a challenge, me and color challenges just don't do too well.

Tonight is Girls night out and my BFFs, Sister and I are going to watch Sex in the City and Dinner at Taverna Opa can't wait.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Very Exciting News

I'm so excited to announce that There's a NEW SKETCH blog in "TOWN" Sketches in Thyme by no other than my friend Kim from Memories in Thyme here work is amazing and I don't know where she finds the time to do all she does, but I'm happy she does it. The Challenges will feature sketches from different blogs in blog land. Sketches in Thyme will focus on scrapbooking & what better way to get the mojo flowing than with sketches?

Even more exciting news is that I will be Designing for her as a "Sketch Maven" love that title; Don't you? The first challenge will be posted June 3rd. We will be a bi-weekly challenge and may occasionally have prizes. We will have a top 3 each challenge and a winner that will be chosen by

Kim has choose an amazing group of talented Mavens, stay tune she will be announcing all the Mavens this week.
Sketches in Thyme Challenge

Monday, May 24, 2010

First CTMH Workshop

Friday I went to my first CTMH Workshop, I loved it, I love scrapping simple and is something I need to learn to do. I'm scrapping Daniel baby years and I don't think he wants flower, lace and all the feminine embellishments I so love to use. When I got home I scrapped even more pages with the kit we used at the crop. Great fun.

These are the LO's I created at the Crop, we did this 2 page LO.

This 2 page I did this weekend, Loving these pps.


Friday, May 21, 2010

Card For Frosted Designs

TGIF and Reveal day at Frested Design Today we need to use a Shoe on the LO, Card or Project. I told you it was shoe week.

Here is a card a made for my cousin's 13 year old dd.

TFL Have a Wonderful Weekend.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


This one is a lift of Toni, I did for Challenge Master Scraplift Challenge. I love her work.

Birthday Card also for Challenge Master (Card Challenge)

This is for a challenge at Scrapping Mojo. A Teacher's Appreciation Gift.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

In My Shoes ***It's All About Me****

It's Wednesday and it reaveal day at It's All About Me Hope some of you can come and play with us. This week is going to be a shoe week, you will see later on too funny.

I also got this one done.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

U at 13 **Challenge Masters Journaling Challenge**

May Journaling challenge at Challenge Masters is up.

This months challenge is to use this phrase "You at ______" it could be "grandma", The Park, 10 ect. Also I want you to use journaling strips. Hope to see a lot of you Playing along

TFL Hope you can play along with us.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Fun In The Sun and Blog Candi

I'm finally scrapping again. These pictures are from the beach two weeks ago.


Now check out

go check out Melissa's blog she's got all this candy.

"Sizzix Big Shot! And some Sizzix Dies!

Fun Day ***Frosted Designs***

TGIF....and Reveal at Frosted DesignsThis weeks challenge is to use Use buttons, brads, eyelets or any other embellishment in rainbow colors!

Hope you have some time to scrap this weekend. Have a great weekend.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Nutcracker ***Frosted Design***

Forgot yesterday was Friday, I just don't know were my days weeks are going. This was my reveal yesterday at Frosted Design This weeks challenge at Frosted Designs is to sand something. Challenge closes May 14th. TOP 3 announced May 15th

Hope you can play along with us.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Do You want to be a Lucy Girl?????

Good Morning,
Today I'm sharing some exciting news from my fellow DT sister at Frosted Designs, Jessica Scott. The following is copied from Jessica's new blog, Lucky Girl Craft Kits.

Are you a Lucky Girl?!
I'm hosting a Design Team call to kick off my new scrapbook kit of the month club in style!
Lucky Girl DT members will receive FREE PRODUCT each month and publication on the Lucky Girl Craft Kits blog and Lucky Girl Crafts store site!
I'm currently seeking Lucky Girl DT members who are:
* Fun & easy going!
* Can follow deadlines and submit 3-5 projects a month. For all but the first (June) challenge, you'll have a full month to get them done!
* Is willing to promote Lucky Girl Crafts blog & store through word of mouth and links on their personal blog
Previous Design Team experience is not necessary!
To apply, please:
*Send me pics of 5 of your most recent, favorite projects
* Tell me what your favorite product to use in creating and why
* Give me 10 random facts about you
* Become a follower of the Lucky Girl Craft Kits blog
*Send me a link to your blog and/or on-line gallery
At this time, the call is open to US and Canadian residents
Please e-mail your entry to with Lucky Girl DT Call in your subject line.

This call is open through Friday, May 14, with the new DT being announced the following week.

Please note: The store goes live towards the end of May, with June being the first month that I'll *officially* have kits for sale. Accepted DT members will receive products by May 21. Your first two projects will be due on May 28 - if you cannot commit to this deadline, please let me know in your application.
Help spread the word about this DT call for a chance to win a RAK of scrappy goodness! Just comment here with a link to your blog post, Facebook update, Tweet or whatever and you're in the hat for the drawing!
Good luck to you all!!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

NSD Scrapping

I scrapped all day yesterday. Today I'll be scrapping again after I get back from the beach.

You Make Me Smile