Sunday, April 29, 2012

A little Digi Scrapping

Last year's weekend at the Fountainblue.

Just having a little fun with my digis.  

Friday, April 27, 2012


This was at Greek night at Natalie's school.  She goes to a Greek Charter school.  All these kids are learning Greek and they sang the song all in Greek pretty Cute.  !

Thanks for stopping by.

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Falls

I have been so busy with a lot of new stuff going on in my life that paper scrapping has taken a little brake (hopefully not for long).  I have been doing a lot more digi since I can do it quick not that it takes a long time for me to do the paper ones but I have no clean up after digi LOL.  
Here is one more of my Little Natalie.

Thanks for stopping by.  Have a great day.

Earth Day

The parents and teaches made this beautiful garden on Friday for Earth Day.  What we can do when we come together.  The kids this morning where so happy to see their new garden, you should of seen the look on their faces and how proud they where showing it to us.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

A little more scrapping.

Some pictures from our trip to UCF this weekend.

Thanks for stopping by.


This weekend we went to visit UCF the University Daniel will be attending this fall.

I remember when he made this book, when we had this conversation.  Where did all the time go.

When you were just six years old I bought our first computer you were so amazed by it
you looked all over it, I remember telling you do not open anything, don’t touch anything other 
than the keyboard and mouse.  At that time you asked me Mom who builds computers, I said 
Computer Engineer You turned around and said, That’s what I want to be when I grow up.

 Who would of thought that 12 years later you would still want to study Computer Science.  Now that you have take four years of IT you know that is the route you want to go to.

Danny Boy,
You use to get so mad at me and at Ms. Steinhart because she would make you write everything over and over because of your handwriting (it’s still horrible).  She asked me if I would mind.  You where 
horrified when you heard her ask me that, since you know how much I hate ugly, lazy penmanship.  So you being the smart ___ you are, typed the book all by yourself, just so you would not have to re-do it over and over again.  

Monday, April 16, 2012

Insomnia Scrapping

Could not sleep last night, had a cup of coffee after 8:00pm and I knew it was going to keep me up I just did not realized it was going to keep me up until almost 3:00am. So I scrapped.

Natalie at Two.  She had the sweetest chubby cheeks.  This is when her
hemangioma started to grow.

Mitchel, Daniel and Javy at Universal 1997/98

At Davie's Orange Blossom Festival 2012.  We always have such a great time at the festival and later at the Rodeo.

Stan and me. At a dinner in honor of Jeff Conine and all the work he does for The Conine Clubhouse at Joe DiMaggio Childrens Hospital.

Thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Best Friends

Monica and Gabriela at Gabriela's Confirmation Luncheon.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Some Easter pics

Easter every year is Church early in the morning, brunch at Original Pancake house and mom's house for some egg hunt fun.  The kids even the big one always look forward to having fun with all the cousins.

These kids had a great time.  Thanks for stopping by,

Seven "7"

I did a little scrapping this morning.

Thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter and a LO

This one is for the challenge over at Color challenge at CSI

Thanks for stopping by, hope you are having a happy Easter with your family and friends.
and if you are Celebrating Passover Happy Passover to you and your family.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

15 **Scrap & Chat***

Welcome to April, I think is probably one of my favorite months of the year. Is my favorite time of the year to go to the beach, sit on the sand and read a good book and a nap here and there, it's just perfect not to hot yet you get a great tan. Love it. The new challenges are up at Scrap and Chat come by and check them out. This one is for my Sketch Challenge I used a sketch that I found in Pinterest from I love this sketch.

thank you for stopping by and Happy Scrapping.