Sunday, November 25, 2012

A little project

My Stepdaughter and I did these today.
Two of the Red and the brown one.
I just love how they turned out.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

A little scrapping to share.

I have a few to share with you today.

 This is my Best friend Barbara, her and I have been friends since we were 7, we have always shared a very special bond. Our parents where best friends and now us and our daughters are also best friends.
Nothing like good girl time with someone special.

 My daughter Natalie's cousin, they are very close and have a very special bond.

Thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


I choose one winner through  and that winner is
Heaney from Paperpapier She created the beautiful card.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to stop by and play along with us.

email me at and tell me where you would like the $15 GC from.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

If you are looking for the Frosted Designs Blog Hop post it's HERE!
Finally I cleaned off my desk and did a paper LO I sure do love playing with paper.
The Digi stuff is nice but to me there is nothing like paper, scissors and clue.
This is Natalie at the Pumpkin Patch.

Thanks for stopping by.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Fall Blog Hop

Welcome, if you came from Lydia's blog then you are in the right place.
Hope you started at Frosted Designs BLOG. 

This is a RECIPE challenge Blog Hop - Now what does that mean??  

We have an overall Theme of "Fall" and the RECIPE can be found along the way.  Each Designer listed one "ingredients" on their blog.  There are 12 stops on the hop, which makes 12 Ingredients.  You choose 6 of the 12 ingredients to create your "Fall" project and link it up to the Frosted Designs BLOG.

Easy peasy!!

We have some awesome sponsors for our hop:

Here is what I have created for you.
In keeping the Recipe Challenge I decided to create one of my family's favorite recipe at Thanksgiving.

My Recipe item for you is.


Leave me a comment with a link to your LO/Project/Card using my recipe item, become a follower if your not one already and I will
put you in a drawing to win $15 to your favorite on line store.
Thank you for stopping by Happy Hopping your next stop is

Here is the complete blog line up in case you get lost along the way (or found me first).

Lori A.  
Diana **You are Here**  
Lori M.  

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

God Bless the U.S.A.

This one is for BOM challenge at ScrapN'Chat.

I thought this is pretty appropriate for today.
Not that I'm happy with the results I'm happy we can vote period.  So I'm thankful and I pray that God guides our President and helps him on the uphill battle he faces.  May he do what is best for the Country and remember.  

I leave you with one of my favorite quotes.

My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. 
John F. Kennedy 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Turning 51

Here is one I did, it's a scraplift this LO by Seatrout

Thanks for stopping by.

For the Sketch CHallenge at ScrapN'Chat.

Thanks for stopping by.