Sunday, February 22, 2009

Design Team

Made the guest design team at Scrappinmojo. I love being over there, friendly and full of wonderful inspiration. Check it out to see my weekly challenges starting in March. Hope to see you there.

Boston Trip

We went to MA, this winter it was the first time Natalie played in the snow, we had a great time.

This weeks scrapping

So, I have been on a scrapping mojo High this week, but I think these pages are my favorite. I did it for a fellow scrappbooker's CJ. I had never used diamond glaze I used it and loved it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Natalie and Monica

Today was a wonderful Day I scrapped in the morning, and I turned out these two.
I love this photo of my Daughters Monica and Natalie, we went to the Herring run in Massachusetts, in January, is a really pretty park, it was cold outside so of course the only one there were us tourist. I took a bunch of photos I just love winter, specially since I'm only in the cold for a week or two.

The Lo of Natalie, She looks pretty scared, it was the first time she did this. But let me tell you she loved it and did it over and over again. It was 7 degrees out there so I just took pictures of each of the kids first run and went inside to the warm of a wood stove. If I ever live up north I want one.

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Cake

I made this cake and chocolate cover strawberries for my family. It was real tasty too.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentines Day

I made a nice dinner for my family. I don't like going out to dinner on Valentines day, I find the food not well done and the service leaves a lot to be desire. I also love spending Valentines with the people I love, that includes my children. DH loves to spend time with the kids so I made a nice romantic dinner for the 6 of us.
I made this delicious Chocolate cake with butter cream frosting, chocolate cover strawberries, made lamb, rice with lentils and green beans. After dinner the kids did all the cleaning, and may I add they all did a great job.

My Monica

I love this girl, she challenges me everyday, because she does not know the meaning of "NO", so she won't stop even though she very very seldom changes my mind. Go figure. Friday was her valentine's Day dance at school, and the first time I said yes to a middle school dance. I still don't think she should be going but I gave her a chance. I walked over to her school around 5:00pm and saw a girl who looked just like her, had the same slim figure and long dirty blond hair, I asked the security gard if I could go in and he said go right ahead, I went straight to that girl that was putting her shirt up showing her belly button, I was furious thank God that all of the sudden she turned around just when I was ready to pinch her. I found Monica not long after that and I pinch her, just in case she ever things about doing that. We talked all the way home.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Come join us at Scrappin' Mojo ( - Valentine's Day Crop Feb. 6-8th - quick scraps, challenges and games! Hope to see you there


I'm establishing this blog, to post the little bits and pieces of my life, my family and friends. I re-discovered scrapbooking 7 years ago, I was watching QVC they were having craft day. I bought my first kit it was a TSV by Anna Griffin. I still have a lot of the papers left and the box is a great storage and so beautiful. I use to scrapbook back in the 70's but not like this.

I love using different stuff on my pages not all all scrapbook related. I love chipboard, fibers and buttons but my favorite embellishments are flowers. I love primas is the one scrapbook item other than paper than I am totally addicted to.

I'm started in February and try to scrap a day in my life something like project 365 only my version. I don't like to follow any rules I like to think outside the box.