Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Monica

I love this girl, she challenges me everyday, because she does not know the meaning of "NO", so she won't stop even though she very very seldom changes my mind. Go figure. Friday was her valentine's Day dance at school, and the first time I said yes to a middle school dance. I still don't think she should be going but I gave her a chance. I walked over to her school around 5:00pm and saw a girl who looked just like her, had the same slim figure and long dirty blond hair, I asked the security gard if I could go in and he said go right ahead, I went straight to that girl that was putting her shirt up showing her belly button, I was furious thank God that all of the sudden she turned around just when I was ready to pinch her. I found Monica not long after that and I pinch her, just in case she ever things about doing that. We talked all the way home.

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