Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My Scrap Room

I have been trying to organize and re-organize this room, but never really got it to were I liked it. This is pretty much as organized as it's going to get, without buying any additional stuff.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Cosmo Cricket Box

I got this box in a kit I purchase from QVC, it was the TSV. I thought it was an album, I was so pleasantly surprise to see the box.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Blog Hop Challenges



Chef Natalie

Field Day

Sesame Street Life
All American

As you can see this weekend was a very successful scrappy one. I did 7 LOs 1 card and a project. It was wonderful got a lot of the picture I wanted to scrap done. Here are some of them.

Friday, June 26, 2009

It's BLOG HOP Friday! I can't tell you how excited I am to be part of this Blog Hop.

If this is your first stop, you first need to go and registere at Scrappin Mojo you will need to to get started. Scrappin mojo is a wonderful scrapping community of beautiful woman, that I can guarantee will inspire your scrapping senses. Here is the Forum Lynk.. ScrappinMojo Summer Soiree blog hop You need to start there. See you back here soon.

Welcome Back you should have reached me from Niki's Blog.

I chose this sketch from April Page Maps for this Blog Hop!
I invite you to make a layout based on this sketch, make it your own as long as it resembles the sketch. Once you have completed the sketch please post it on Scrappin Mojo Gallery Make sure you mention "Diana's Sketch Challenge" You can link it back here for a chance to win the kit from Que Sera Sera .

Here is the Sketch:

and this is what I came up with.

Sand Baby

Now on to your next stop. Stellas Blog Putting my Stamp on the World.

Remember upload all of your creation from the challenges in all the blogs to Scrappin Mojo by Sunday 5:00pm est for a chance to win This great Kit:
Bo Bunny

Have fun.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

BLOG HOP Reminder

Remember to check back on Friday June 26 at 5:00pm for our first ever Blog Hop.
There will be lots of fun challenges and blog Candie. After my blog you will visit

Here is my blog candie for participating in the sketch.

Que Sera Sera, Prima flowers and ribbon.

and here is a LO I made using this collection.


Make sure to check back on Friday.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Cosmo Cricket Design Team Entry

I don't think there is one Cosmo Cricket line I do not like. I enjoy making LO's I love making 12 x 12, 8 1/2 x 11, 8 x 8 and my favorites 6 x 12. I just recently started making cards and I'm totally enjoying it. I have made one or two altered items but is definitely not my thing, although they come out nice it just not what I like. Here are some of my projects using Cosmo Cricket.

UnAnswered Prayers...using Lover letters

Our Smile....Used Dutch Girl playing around with photoshop

Tyler, Daniel, Monica and Natalie Used Cogsmo line

Natalie, also using Cogsmo line

Here are some of last year's Christmas cards I mostly used The Christmas Kit from QVC.

Thanks for looking

Cosmo Cricket Design Team

Well I decided I have nothing to loss and I'm going to submit some of my work to Cosmo Cricket. Since Cosmo Cricket is an awesome line there is nothing I would love more than to create LO's with their products. Check out their blog and give it a try Cosmo Cricket

Monday, June 22, 2009


How about some Blog Candie.

Que Sera Sera. All you have to do is create a lo usingthe Page Map I will be posting on Friday and upload it to Scrappin Mojo to qualify for it.

Also, make sure you check out all the blogs and leave a comment in all of them and you will be in the run to win this
Blog Candie from Scrappin Mojo

Please come back on Friday June 26 at 5:00pm to Midnight June 28th.

Piano Girl

This is my baby well not so baby anymore, She started taking piano lessons this year at school and Violin. She loves the piano and want to pursue it. This was their recital. The music room of their Middle school.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Last night I had to stay up doing the laundry that I did not do during the week I started looking around for inspiration I already had this one fromNiki at Scrappin Mojo and Marilyn's Color inspiration, I came up with this beauty. Now I need to do one for Monica, So that I can us it as wall art in their bedroom.

Friday, June 12, 2009

My Ballerina at her Recital

The little kids are always so cute. We got good seats, but of course Stan wanted me to take pictures and film it at the same time so he could enjoy the show. Needless to say he took only these 3 picture.

With the flowers her Daddy gave her.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

My Latest Etsy Listing

I have 2 of each please check my Etsy store http://www.etsy.com/your_shop.php I will add much more in the coming days.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I received this beautiful Blog Award fromMarilyn I found her blog in a recent blog hop from Scrap Challenge on My Space. I don't use My Space, but the designer are awesome and they have great challenges Check out Marilyn's blog is awesome. So I'm going to pass this blog award to some of my favorite blog friends.
Sarah Pat Tere MonicaLoriTonya Monica M Theresa Dedra Kim Lori Jan Niki Chryssy Angela
Here are the rules:
1. Accept the award, post it on your blog, together with the name of the person who gave it to you, and his/her blog link.
2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you've newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Shape LO's

This week at at A Million Memories there was a Shape Class, They had great Shaped LOs.

This came to me by just looking at Natalie's coloring book.

My Beautiful little girl. Although Monica feels it looks more like a four leave clover than a butterfly I think it's beautiful.

Daniel's T-Ball team
The Baseball and Butterflies are from the class,

My Little Ballerina

Today Natalie had her photo shot at her Ballet, I took the opportunity and did my own little photo shot.