Friday, June 26, 2009

It's BLOG HOP Friday! I can't tell you how excited I am to be part of this Blog Hop.

If this is your first stop, you first need to go and registere at Scrappin Mojo you will need to to get started. Scrappin mojo is a wonderful scrapping community of beautiful woman, that I can guarantee will inspire your scrapping senses. Here is the Forum Lynk.. ScrappinMojo Summer Soiree blog hop You need to start there. See you back here soon.

Welcome Back you should have reached me from Niki's Blog.

I chose this sketch from April Page Maps for this Blog Hop!
I invite you to make a layout based on this sketch, make it your own as long as it resembles the sketch. Once you have completed the sketch please post it on Scrappin Mojo Gallery Make sure you mention "Diana's Sketch Challenge" You can link it back here for a chance to win the kit from Que Sera Sera .

Here is the Sketch:

and this is what I came up with.

Sand Baby

Now on to your next stop. Stellas Blog Putting my Stamp on the World.

Remember upload all of your creation from the challenges in all the blogs to Scrappin Mojo by Sunday 5:00pm est for a chance to win This great Kit:
Bo Bunny

Have fun.


  1. I love that lo of Natalie so cute Diana!

  2. Love your LO and the title is too cute. Great challenge.

  3. Diana great sketch for inspiration. How adorable is Natalie? Great lo as always.

  4. Oh, Diana, cute LO ~ and you know
    how I love sketches! Great challenge.

  5. Hey Diana - love your blog!!! Thanks for the challenge - love those sketches!

  6. Gorgeous layout, Diana, and such a fun sketch! :)

  7. Great sketch choice DIana, and great example using Natalies pics. thanks!

  8. Wish I could play, but I signed up at Scrappin Mojo and am still waiting for approval. Hope you all have lots of fun.

  9. Loving that sketch Diana, your LO is super cute!

  10. What a great sketch and such cute photos!

  11. Great take on the sketch! Don't you love using sketches??!

  12. I love sketches! Hope I can can do this one!

  13. What a great Sketch. Here is my link to my LO befor I upload it to the gallery

  14. Hey Diana - here's my take on the sketch:

  15. Here is my take on the challenge,

    Loved the sketch! Thanks for the challenge!

  16. Love the sketch and what you did with it! So cute and the papers are so neat!
