Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I went back to Work Full Time

I can't say yet if I like it or not, I do love being out of the house and having adult conversation, but I sure miss picking up my little girl everyday. And having breakfast with my Monica and her friend before they left to school. The boys I still see the same amount of time I did when I was home.

My wonderful beautiful sister and best friend picks her up for me and take her to her house until the boy pick her up around 4:00 then the 4 sometimes 3 of them are home alone until Stan and I get home around 5:30 - 6:00pm. Daniel's chore is to start dinner, Monica's chore is to make sure nothing happens to Natalie and play with Natalie and Tyler's chore is to pick everyone up. The 3 older ones have to make sure there are no dirty dishes in the sink, counter and keep the house in the same manner in which it was when we left in the morning. So far so good but is only the 2nd day.

Is funny I'm working with DH and we have to pretend we don't know each other because they don't like relatives to work together although there are plenty of them, so we look like lovers getting little glances here and there is too funny. I love that man I tell ya. He checks up on me a few times during the day but does not say anything just this wonderful look. I love what is happening to our relationship at least until we get home and have to deal with Teenagers again.

My scrapping time is so limited but I'm going to make my Friday nights a late night and scrap until my eyes can't see any more.

Will update you all soon. Have a wonderful week.

1 comment:

  1. well, best of luck with the new job and i'm sure the kiddo's will be just fine-it's something about that independent responsibility that they just love-i know i did :)

    have a great day!

