Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Christmas Past ***It's All About Me***

I did this one for the It's all about Me Challenge Blog. It also works for this weeks Practical Scrappers Challenge I love how this turned out. I had to put the journaling hidden since It just did not go fit anywhere on the page.

The Journaling reads:

Christmas at our house was full of family and friends. On December 23rd my dad and Ungle Jose, went to pick up the pig, usually alive. Dad would slaughter the pig for us and for other families, you see he was a quajiro (hillbilly) and loved to do all that. The two of them even made their own Agua Aldiente (Moonshine). After he did what he had to do with the pig, he seasoned it very well and set it on the kitchen counter just looking at you. My brother was always afraid of it. My sister and I loved to tease him with it. On Christmas Eve day around 6:00am they dig this huge whole in the ground fill it up with coal, place a rack and place the pig on it then cover the pig with Banana leaves and Guava leaves the pig cooked all day. While Dad and Tio did all this and the mom’s were in the kitchen cooking the rest of the meal, all the cousins were running around playing and having a wonderful time. Finally in the late afternoon the skin was ready and it was time to pick at it. By the time dinner came around there was very little skin left. We eat late then Dad, Tio and Mima would sing and dance till the wee hours of the night (that moonshine started kicking in right around dinner time) but us kids had to be in bed by midnight to wait for Santa. Then on Christmas day Santa left the toys for each one of use in different furniture’s, the presents from Santa were never wrapped.
Christmas as a child for me was a precious time I am so blessed to have the best memories of Christmas Past.



  1. BEAUTIFUL Diana!!! Wow. Love your journaling too. (P.S. Your prize from what seems so long ago is almost ready!!!)

  2. Wow, gorgeous layout!!! Excellent details... thanks for playing along with PS!

  3. Truly amazing work, Diana... you always inspire me! Thanks for playing along :)

  4. Que hermoso, es una total obra de arte!!!

    I loved your journaling Diana, your Christmas memories are very similar to mine, but in my house instead of a pig we used to have lamb!

  5. Wow, what wonderful memories! Love your layout!
