Sunday, February 28, 2010

Blog Award

Thank you Kim Sparks for this Wonderful award.
I'm sharing it with a few wonderful friends.

1. Tere
2. Sarah
3. Monica B.
4. Diane
5. Tonya
6. Monica M.
7. Kim

Here is what you have to do.

1) Add a link and note of thanks to the person giving the award

2) Pass the award on to bloggers whose blogs you have recently discovered that you love

3) Share 7 things about yourself

And now my 7 things to share about myself.

1. I love spending time with my family.
2. I love picnics in the park.
4. I love Spring and Fall.
5. I love to deck out the house for every holiday,
6. I love the sound of silence.
7. I love road trips.

Friday, February 26, 2010

My Prince ***Frosted Design***

First Reveal of the Day, have a few more later today.
This week's challenge at Frosted Design is handwriting. These are Manolis (her Prince), Natalie and Ryan (my Grand Nephew). The Journaling reads: Natalie you have such a big crush on Manolis, he is your Prince Charming, when you play pretend you always are married to him. "Daddy I'm going to marry Manolis" She always tells Stan that.


Sunday, February 21, 2010


You know you want it, check out Maria's Studio she is giving away this spectacular blog candy.

Friday, February 19, 2010

6 yrs later ***FRoted Design.**

This weeks challenge at Frosted Design is to use Polka Dot & Plaid. I forgot to add later to the title so I did it after I took the picture.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Once Upon a Time ***Practical Scrappers***

Lots of pages.
This is the last page but it's my favorite and although there are flowers in almost ever page, I made this one with the Practical Scrappers challenge in mind.

These are pictures from Natalie's 5th Birthday Party. The misting was done by both my daughter's Monica 13 and Natalie 5, the spray the colors they wanted made a mess and had a lot of fun in the process. I did do the screens. This was a lot of fun.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sisters **Scrap That Poetry and Practical Scrappers***

I totally Love this weeks Poem at Scrap that Poetry. I knew the second I read the poem, I wanted to scrap this picture, from Christmas 2008, I knew the right time would come for me to scrap it. This also works for this weeks challenge at Practical Scrapper
The Journaling reads:
We are the knot that ties our families together. We may not always see eye to eye, but we always stand side by side. You are my best friend and confidante. We love our girl time. I only hope that Monica and Natalie would share the same knot.

Here is the poem.
Freedom and Love by Thomas Campbell

How delicious is the winning
Of a kiss at love's beginning,
When two mutual hearts are sighing
For the knot there's no untying!
Yet remember, 'Midst our wooing,
Love has bliss, but Love has ruing;
Other smiles may make you fickle,
Tears for other charms may trickle.
Love he comes, and Love he tarries,
Just as fate or fancy carries;
Longest stays, when sorest chidden;
Laughs and flies, when press'd and bidden.
Bind the sea to slumber stilly,
Bind its odour to the lily,
Bind the aspen ne'er to quiver,
Then bind Love to last for ever.
Love's a fire that needs renewal
Of fresh beauty for its fuel:
Love's wing moults when caged and captured,
Only free, he soars enraptured.
Can you keep the bee from ranging
Or the ringdove's neck from changing?
No! nor fetter'd Love from dying
In the knot there's no untying.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010

Frosted Design Reveal

This week at Frosted Designs we had to create a card, LO or project using Star's, the pictures I really wanted to use I never got back on time so I had to make do. Check out the challenge this week.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

TOOT Time for Me.

I got the Valentines box and card that was this weeks Frosted Design reveal, published here I'm so trilled. WOW 2 pubs in 2 months I say that is a great start to the New Year.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Scrap That Poetry and Sunday Crop

This first one is for this weeks challenge at Scrap That Poetry The poem is
Ah, Yes! Love by Clarence B. Campbell- challenge #9

This was for Toni's challenge, I love how this turned out.

I used this sketch from My Little Sketch book

Here is the Poem, I just loved it.
Ah, Yes! Love
Ah, Yes! Love
by Clarence B. Campbell

Ah, yes! Love
Is peaches and honey, and figs, and cream,
And wild grapes dripping beside the stream,
Humming birds,
And a young man's dream!
Ah, yes! Love
Is bubbles and beauty and lantern light,
Music and madness and dizzy height,
Tender words,
And a star-filled night!

Ah, yes! Love
Is oceans and azure, and infinite skies,
Rubies and ivory, and fathomless eyes,
Where the bluebird springs
And sings as he flies!
Ah, yes! Love
Is whispers, and flickers, and candleshine,
Glances and trances, and deep, red wine,
And the moon-dust that clings
To the gossamer vine!

Ah, yes! Love
Is kisses, caresses, and sweet desire,
Prickles and shivers, and flashing fire,
And melodies
From a throbbing lyre!
Ah, yes! Love
Is silver, and roses, and gay champagne,
And the soft reprise of the April rain,
And memories
That will long remain!

This was for Diane's Card Challenge, I'm not a great card maker, but I do try,.

GO SAINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This one was done using sketchabilities sketch
Here is the sketch I used.

First time I use their sketcher but it won't be the last I love them.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

All Day Crop At Scrappin Mojo

Sam's challenge was to describe a name or a phrase that describes our family. Well that was easy peasy japanease. "LOUD" we are all loud, we have strong vocals, we are opinionated and we are just plain laud, specially so when the girls are in the house. But we do love each other a lot.

here is the sketch I used from My Little Sketch Book

Niki had yet another Tutorial on how to make this flower, I love how it turned out, I use regular sewing pins and added some beads from Monica's stash.

Diane's challenge was to take an old magnet from the fridge and re-design it.
I now have to find an updated photo of us with Natalie in it she made me take this one out.

Niki had a tutorial on how to make these, I have been wanting to make them for such a long time so glad she did to Tut.

Tussy Mussy (Spl)

Terri's Quick Scrap we had to make Valentines embelishment, I made this using left over negatives of Heidi Swaps hearts I saw something similar to this is a blog I can't remember whos, but I loved the idea.

I'm very happy I had a very productive day. Tomorrow we are doing it all over, I won't be able to do all day since we are heading to a super bowl party but I will get some done.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Frosted Design Reveal

This week's challenge at Frosted Design is to scrap a Valentines project not using Red or Pink
this is what I came up with.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Awesome Scrappy News

I'm so exited to tell you that I am a Design Team member at It's All About Me here is their message board It's All About me Forum come join us.

This LO was created for the DT contest and the reveal. It's self explanatory.

TFL Did I mentioned how exited I am.