Saturday, February 6, 2010

All Day Crop At Scrappin Mojo

Sam's challenge was to describe a name or a phrase that describes our family. Well that was easy peasy japanease. "LOUD" we are all loud, we have strong vocals, we are opinionated and we are just plain laud, specially so when the girls are in the house. But we do love each other a lot.

here is the sketch I used from My Little Sketch Book

Niki had yet another Tutorial on how to make this flower, I love how it turned out, I use regular sewing pins and added some beads from Monica's stash.

Diane's challenge was to take an old magnet from the fridge and re-design it.
I now have to find an updated photo of us with Natalie in it she made me take this one out.

Niki had a tutorial on how to make these, I have been wanting to make them for such a long time so glad she did to Tut.

Tussy Mussy (Spl)

Terri's Quick Scrap we had to make Valentines embelishment, I made this using left over negatives of Heidi Swaps hearts I saw something similar to this is a blog I can't remember whos, but I loved the idea.

I'm very happy I had a very productive day. Tomorrow we are doing it all over, I won't be able to do all day since we are heading to a super bowl party but I will get some done.

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