Friday, June 25, 2010

Proud ***Sketches in Thyme***

SECOND POST TODAY Scroll down for Color Combo Galore...

Finally was able to do my sketch, today I woke up and just scrapped away, it felt so good. Now I need to do some house work.

and here is the card.



I did this one for the Color Combo Galore

and I have been doing cards with the scraps, my scrap pile was growing faster than my pp stash so I decided that for the rest of June and July I would make cards with my stash. And I'm going to give it to our charity for auction in August.


It's Reveal Day at FROSTED DESIGNS Our challenge this week is to use, orange, yellow, turquoise, and green in your LO. Have fun.


Would you like to win this prize?!!

All you have to do is participate in a challenge sometime during the month of June and become a follower to be entered to win!! The more projects you link, the more chances you have to win!! *Projects must be posted and linked on or after June 4th and before noon EST on July 1st to be eligible to win.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sketches In Thyme

Today is Reveal day at Sketches In Thyme here is the sketch for this week.

Yesterday I was feeling down, so I scrapped, but as the day progressed I was feeling worse, looks like I got bitten by the stomach flue. I'm a little better today but wow I felt horrible.

I did these 3 with the leftover pps from tomorrow Frosted Design release.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Challenge Master's Summer Loving CONTEST!!!

Summertime & the living is easy..... are you ready to be challenged???
are you ready for some FUN?????
Well then you won't want to miss this our first contest here @ CHALLENGE MASTERS!!!!

I suppose you want details, yes?
OK This will run for four (4) weeks, starting the 1st Sunday in July. July 4th I will post a challenge for you & then every Sunday there will be a new challenge the last challenge will be July 25th. You will have 1 week to do each challenge. The Challenge will have to be posted the following Saturday in the gallery under the summer loving' contest by midnight EST.
You will be awarded points & there will be a panel of judges from the DT. If there is a tie we will do a random drawing.

Would you like to know what the winner will receive??
Terri has graciously offer a $25.00 GC to the winners choice of on-line store & a Guest Diva spot!!!!!
and Pat....I will send the runner - up a scrapping kit!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Carefree ***My Little Sketch Blook***

I was GD at My Little Sketch Blook, I love Liz's sketches, this one was totally out of my comfort zone but I really enjoyed working with it, and I am very pleased with the end result.

Here is her sketch


Love Without End ...... Amen ***Challenge Masters**

Today's Journaling challenge is up at Challenge Masters stop by if you can. The challenge is: In honor of Father's Day, we are going to do a Journal about a Special Man in your life. It can be your Father, DH, Uncle, Grandfather, Son (who is a father) well you get the picture. But we are adding a little twist. Pick a Song that when you hear it reminds you of that person. If you don't have a song a Poem will be good you don't have to use the entire song/poem as long as you use some part of it. Hope you can play along.

Journaling Reads:
My father always told us how much he loved us and that no matter what we did the love would always be there. Even if he did not agree with what we did.
I tell my kids the same thing. I tell them that I will always love them, even if I may not like them at that moment. The first time I heard this song, it reminded me so much of my father.
"He was not the greatest father but he was my father."
by: me


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Some LO's

I did these for Challenge Masters. Check them out Here they have great challenges.


Friday, June 18, 2010

It Friday and Reveal day at
Frosted Design. Today we are challenging you to use things around your house, both for LOs, cards or project. I had this old box laying around doing nothing and I needed a place for my cards, So I refurbish this box that was once a Christmas Card holder.

I also made those flowers using the tutorial at Sketches in Thyme.

TFL,...Hope over to Frosted design let's see what you come up with.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Beach *Sketches in Thyme**

Reveal day at Sketches in Thyme.
I love these pictures of Natalie at the beach. She loves the water and can spend all day going back and forth playing with the waves.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My Idol AAM Challenge

Today is Reveal day at AAM ALL About Me. It was "My Idol", well I don't really believe in Idol's but I do have a few woman who inspire me and have made me what I am today. My Maternal Grandmother is my first choice. I lived with her most of my life and she influence who I am today tremendously.

The journaling reads: My Maternal Grandmother, Abuela Rosa.

I don’t remember my Abuela ever talking bad about anyone; she always looked at the glass ½ full and taught me to do the same. I think of all of her grandkid here and I had the most special bond, but not because she loved me more because I know she loved each and every one of her 15 grandchildren the same. There definitely was no favoritism in our home. But I was the only one who would sit with her for hours learning about our family history, about her, her siblings and her mother and her siblings.

One story she told me was. Was on a very personal level she told no other grandchild not even her own kids, they knew but not with all the details I knew. My Abuela was pregnant when she was 15 years old, with a wealthy boy from her town of about 200 people, she would have been the embarrassment of her family were not to a wonderful aunt and her amazing mother. When she told the boy she was pregnant he told her it can’t be mine, she said ok it’s not yours and walked away. She carried her baby girl a long her mother and aunt hiding her pregnancy. When the baby was born the boy came to marry my Abuela, he looked at him and said “I don’t need you any longer”, “ I will never marry you”, He did give his daughter his name but my Abuela walked with her head up and proud of her and her daughter. A few years later she met a man who loved her dearly and accepted her daughter. They married and had 2 more kids, my mother and my uncle. Her happiness was going to shattered again, when my grandfather died suddenly of complications from an appendicitis. Once again she was left alone to raise 3 kids. But she said “Never once did I question God and never once did I let anything bring me down”. A few years later she will meet the man that she spend the rest of her life with, he was 18 she was 27 and he fell madly in love with her. She told him “Please go away, I have 3 kids I’m almost 10 years older than you, why do you want me I come with a lot of baggage”. He said “Because I love you, and since I love you I will be responsible for raising your baggage”. Well they got married just a few years later and had 5 more kids all girls. Grandpa, adopted my mom and uncle and they lived happily ever after. My grandmother always saw the best in the worse situations.


Sketchabilities Challenge

This one was using a Sketch from Sketchabilities.
Daniel's birthday was Saturday June 12, here are some pictures. I just don't know were 16 years went.


My Little Sketch Blook June Challenge

I did these using LIZ Sketches.My Little Sketch Blook for June's Challenge.

Check out her block she has amazing sketches.

Monday, June 14, 2010

We Love NY

I did this one for the Color Combos Galore. As much as I love Colors I have such a hard time doing color challenges. I'm more of put all the colors together and see what come out.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Frosted Design Reveal

Good morning and TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite day of the week because it's reveal day at FROSTED DESIGNS. This was Monica's Spring Portrait at school.

I misted those doiles.. this was a lot of fun making.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


I did these for Restaurants Certificates I gave to Natalie's Pre-K teachers.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Page Map Challenge

I did this one

using this sketch

from this month's challenge at Page Maps I switch the sketch around.


Friday, June 4, 2010


Happy Friday everyone!! I can't tell you how excited I am this Friday I have been waiting to tell you this happy scrappy news!!!! We have a lot of new changes taking place over at Frosted Designs!! Recently Meg and Jamie who started the blog, decided to step down to move on to other projects. Sooooo..... Barb and I decided we didn't want to see this challenge blog come to an end, we love the team of designers and we already have so much talent there! Which leads me to say, we (Barb and I) are now the co-leaders!! After a few brainstorming sessions we have decided to make a few changes to the blog!!! The first thing you will probably notice is our bright new look!! AND we are now going to start offering monthly prizes!! How do you like the new look.

I Created this LO for our first Challenge with our new look.

Barb has so generously and I mean GENEROUSLY, put together this great prize package

Look at all the Yummy Goodness that it includes

The new FRESHLY PICKED Cricut cartridge
A stack of K&Company Papers
A 3 pack of Stickles
A package of 18 clear stamps (Travel)
2 packages of flowers with colorful brad centers
1 package of K&Company flowers that match the paper stack
A package of chipboard accents (20 pieces)
2 packages of gem accents
A 10 piece package of summer charms
12 buttons
4 yards of ribbon

All you have to do to be in the drawing to win this is.............

Each time you submit a project at Frosted Designs you get one entry. The more projects you submit, the more chances you have to win!! At the end of the month we will draw one person from all the entries!!! Sooooooooooooo come play along!! We would love to see what you create with our challenges!! Good Luck and Good Scrapping.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

It's Finally HERE

I'm so excited for our Our First Reveal for Sketches in Thyme. Our First Sketch is from Scrapiopath
Here are the Sketch and my LO.

Don't forget to stop by Sketches in Thyme play along with us to qualify to win this great RAK from Kim. To qualify all you have to do is visit each Maven, leave a comment on your post, and the challenge blog. One winner will be chosen by on Wednesday, June 9. This prize is open to all countries.

Here is a link to all of our wonderful DT.
Sketches in Time
Diana You are Here

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Some I did on Monday

I have been doing a little scrapping.

Come back tomorrow for our first Reveal at Sketches in Thyme.