Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sketches In Thyme

Today is Reveal day at Sketches In Thyme here is the sketch for this week.

Yesterday I was feeling down, so I scrapped, but as the day progressed I was feeling worse, looks like I got bitten by the stomach flue. I'm a little better today but wow I felt horrible.

I did these 3 with the leftover pps from tomorrow Frosted Design release.



  1. For someone who wasn't feeling well, you did a great job! The robots are so cute and I love the bright colors. Feel better soon!

  2. These are adorable and I sure can't tell that the stomach flu slowed you down one bit!

  3. Total cuteness!! I love your adorable cards!! Wish you were feeling better!! Take it easy and let the family wait on you a bit!!
    barb :)

  4. Oh you used more of this paper for this post. TOTALLY cute - love everything!!

  5. i m always ready to see u making new card,s....
    great work...
    I really liked your article. Keep up the good work.
    sending flowers to Poland
