Thursday, July 1, 2010

Fear ***ALL ABOUT ME****


Super Exciting news that I have been waiting for such a long time to tell you all. We our Blog at All About Me got published in ScrapStreet check out the Blog Bay Article, this is so exciting.

We have an amazing Sponsor this month. COUTURE CARDSTOCK So, if you have ever thought of playing along with us this is the challenge to do so. They are giving away some of their NEW line of cardstock as the prize of the month. We are getting to debut this fabulous, new, scrumptious stuff from Couture Cardstock.

Our Challenge this week is FEAR...I have quite a bit of those, but decided to go with this. Now hope I get to see a lot of you playing along.

Here is what I had to say about what being in this DT mean to me.

What being on this team means to you: Since I was a little girl I would sit with my aunts and grand aunts to learn about our family. Because of that I am able to write and/or journal many stories of my ancestors. The opportunity this challenge brings to me, it’s leaving a little piece of who I am to my children, grandchildren and so on. If it were not for “It’s All About Me”, I would only scrap about my children. I want them to know who I am.

Journaling: One of my greatest fears is not to be around to raise my children. I don’t think it’s a fear of death, as my faith is strong enough that I know that death is not the end but the beginning of eternal life. My fear is dying and leaving my kids before they become adults is an everyday fear. I’m afraid what their lives would be like being raised by their fathers and stepmothers, because life goes, I don’t expect Stan to stay alone and my other kids have a step mom already. I don’t want to miss anything in their lives. I want to see them all graduate from College see them become man and woman. I pray every night, to give me health and life until they all at a minimum graduate from High School, I know, I need to also stay healthy and that is up to me, I have taken many steps into achieving a healthier life style to be around for a long time.


  1. This lo is beautiful Diana & I love your heartfelt journaling. Congrat on the magazine!

  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!! And this layout is gorgeous!! Love the flowers and butterflies...

  3. OMG, this layout is smashingly gorgeous! I lvoe it!!!! I love your flowers, bling, and butterflies. Your photos are precious! Once again, your journaling has brought me to tears. Thank you so much for sharing such beautiful thoughts into your life with us.
    Kim xXx

  4. this is so beautiful. that too is a fear of mine. i look at my children asleep and thank God every chance i get that they are still in my lives and that i am still here to raise them.


  5. Beautiful layout! I love the journaling- I can only imagine how important it must be to live for your children. I hope to have those same emotions someday. Thank you for the kind words on my blog. I will take your advice!

  6. wow, such a gorgeous layout, something I can be emphasize with.

    I love the papers and your use of fabulous punch!!!!

  7. Gorgeous. diana, you have this special talent of makign flowers look even more pretty!
    I love it!

  8. Diana... first of all this LO is sooo gorgeous!! I love all the flowers!! And I have to say that your journaling is so touching and tender! I admire your ability to journal your thoughts this way!
    Barb :)

  9. Although this is one of the most artistic layouts I have seen, what really puts it over the top for me is your journaling. Just beautiful all the way around!!

  10. Lovely layout! Your journaling touched me, as I think the same thing myself, especially since I am a single mom.
