Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Oh Beautiful

Did one today, still have lots on my to do list, so one will do. Also for a challenge at Challenge Masters, Scrap a special day. This was Natalie's Pre-K graduation Seeing her sing Oh Beautiful and Recite the Pledge Allegiance made me cry so much more than the day she was born. It was an amazing feeling, I did do some hidden journaling on my feeling at this moment.



  1. How beautiful and had to be an emotional day. I would have been blubbering, I cry for every special day.
    I love the colors you chose on this fun layout.

  2. What beautiful colors you have chosen for this special memory!

  3. Beautiful moment and a beautiful layout to remember it by.

  4. Diana... this is gorgeous!! love the clouds under the title!! and the title is so perfect for this precious LO!! So darling!!
    Barb :)

  5. What a proud moment this must have been!! This is priceless!!!!!! Hugs!!
