Thursday, October 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Monica

It's Thursday and Reveal day at Sketches in Thyme and guess who's sketch we are working on this week, Mine!!! Yeap!!! I was playing around the other day and created this sketches. Kim was kind enough to use this one for this weeks challenge.

All done on word, because I'm computer illiterate. It was also so nice seeing everyone interpretation of the sketch. Here is my LO, It of Monica's 2nd Birthday party, I can't believe she is 13 already, were did 11 years go? This is also for a challenge at Challenge Masters for this month.

Thanks for stopping by, hope to see you play with us this week.


  1. I loved working with your sketch, I hope you do more. I want to learn how to make sketches, can you explain to me? I think I am pretty computer usable.
    Cute pictures on your adorable layout, yes they grow much faster then I want.

  2. Very cool sketch, Diana! I hope to do this one soon! :-)

  3. One of the coolest sketches too! I loved using it. I especially like your take on your own sketch. Fabulous photos and love the mutlicolor buttons.

  4. Diana cute Lo & a great sketch!!

  5. Oh Diana, I can't believe that this is your first sketch!! I think you've added another talent to your growing list!! And your layout is beautiful!!! The photos are too cute.. She sure looks like she is having fun!! I also love the flowers and buttons!! Hugs!!
