Saturday, November 20, 2010

3;s Company 2.

Forgot to post this one Thursday, Just way too busy. More pictures from NJ. of the NY skyline.
We used this sketch for this weeks challenge.
You are playing for a $25 gift certificate from Michale's. You know you want your chance to win!!!

Hope to see you play this week. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. LOL
    Glad I am not the only person that makes mistakes!
    You have such a beautiful family sweetie

  2. Love the layout! That's a skyline I've yet to see. Must make that trip east one of these days. :)

  3. Diana, I love the colors you used on this one... especially that red... Super cute photo!!! Hugs!!!

  4. Ummmm... I am noticing a trend with your photos... why aren't you in any of them?!! lol!! Cute LO!!
    barb :)
