Thursday, November 11, 2010

I Only Have Eyes for You ***Sketches in Thyme***

It's reveal day at Sketches in Thyme. I used these fun pps from CTMH for this fun Halloween photo of my DH and me. We went to a Halloween Ball for a local charity it was a blast, I could not believe that Stan would actually dress up for Halloween we have been together almost 9 years and this is the first time he has done that.

Don't forget you are playing for a $25 Michael's gift card.

Thanks for stopping by, hope you can play with us this week.


  1. This is such a great photo!! I love that you can have fun together! And what better a reason than a charity ball?! lol!! Love these papers!! This LO just screams fun!!
    barb :)

  2. i love this! great color combo and great photo. this LO is full of fun.
    isay :D

  3. This is one fun layout! Love the cute embellishments.

  4. Love that he dressed up for you! He is a keeper. Looks like a fun time. Great layout.
    Hey sweetie thanks for sharing my giveaway on your sidebar- I so appreciate your help.

  5. I saw this displayed at Sketches In Thyme and thought it was so cute I had to come around and get a closer look. The graphic/playful effect is something I enjoy. Super cute pumpkins and cat, too.

  6. Fun layout Diana and you both look marvelous! Love the papers and bright colors!

  7. Love that your dh went to a charity ball with you! You did a smashing job getting this page together! I love all the eyes along with your title! Fabby take on the sketch! You rocked it!
    Kim xXx

  8. Adorable Diana! such cute pps from CTMH anf this looks like a super fun sketch site. Always love to see your work, girl!

  9. What a super fun layout and I love the papers!!! I sounds/looks like you all had a blast!!! Hugs!!!

  10. Very cheerful layout, with all the colorful dp and embellishments. You rocked the sketch!
    And it's so nice that your husband joined you! You both look great.
