Sunday, December 5, 2010

Vase Toturial.

If you are looking for the Blog Hop Go HERE

I made this altered Vase for the girls room. I'm not one to alter much of anything, but this turned out beautiful.

1. Start with a clean, dry, smooth surface crystal vase.

2. I used two different Acrylic paints; Deep Sea and Shopping Bag.

3. With a sponge brush, paint the vase with a dry brush going up and down. Do the light color first then the darker color.

4. I used 4 different Tattered Angel Glimmer Mists; Riptied, Candy Apple Red, Mustard Seed and Oriental Poppy (My Favorite).

5. Once the vase had dried well from the Acrylic, start spraying your heart away. I let the glimmer mist dry a little then I dabbed very carefully so I didn't take the Acrylic off. After you are all done with the misting, let it dry for a day.

6. Start to embellish the vase. I used lots of primas and a little bling. The hot glue gun worked best, but I also used Scotch Quick-Dry Adhesive.

Hope you try this out, it's not difficult and the end result is beautiful!

Remember check out Frosted Design blog Hop.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Beautiful technique Diana! Love the colors and flowers!

  2. Totally awesome. Gonna have to try one of these!

  3. that is completely gorgeous Diana!!!! wow! thanks for the tutorial!

  4. Diana, this is gorgeous! You are just so talented. Very impressed that you even came up with the idea to use an old vase. These would make awesome presents!

  5. Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing the tutorial. :)

  6. Diana... this vase is so gorgeous! It would make a great gift for so many different things!
    barb :)

  7. Diana this is gorgeous!!! Great tut.

  8. Sweeet vase Diana!!

    Miss you at KK's work going?
