Friday, May 27, 2011


It's Friday and Frosted Designs has a new Challenge. They are challenging you to make a card, layout or project using a BBQ, Picnic or Outdoor Games theme! I made a double page of my Son Daniel at the beach last month.

Thanks for stopping by hope you have the change to scrap this weekend, I on the other hand will be out taking lots of pictures to scrap.


  1. Great page Diana! I love your surfboards. They are cute on your page. I have loads of pictures of my boys on the beach. Need to get those scrapped! :)

  2. What a great 2 page layout! I love how that paper looks ~ not to girly but still cute! The surfboards are a great touch too!

    Thanks for joining us at Frosted Designs this week!!

  3. What a super fun layout!! I love the surfboards. Great pics :) Glad you joined the challenge!
    Melissa J
