Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Moment Blog Hop

Welcome to Scrapping The Moments Back to School - OH YEAH!!!! Blog Hop
You should of gotten here from Cindy's Blog

Good morning, Afternoon or Evening depend were in the world you are right this instant. I'm sure glad you are here.

Hope you are enjoying your hop around the DT blogs so far!!! My challenge is the Sketch Challenge.

Here is the Sketch:

I'm not a digi scrapper but with this being the second week of school, I have not time to scrap. Hopefully by the 3rd week I can get it together. I hope you have been inspired along the way,
Now if you leave me a comment and get the challenge done and posted at Scrapping The Moments I will give you a RAK. It' will probably have some prima, mists, websters pages and who knows what else. Everyone who does my challenge this month will be in the drawing.

Now Hop to your next stopis. Janet Thank you for stopping by.


  1. love your sketch and your layout!! awesome!

  2. Love the sketch and your page-both are beautiful! Love the challenge!

  3. Oh the sketch and our sample! Way cool!

  4. Diana I love your sketch & LO!!! Gorgeous!

  5. What a wonderful sketch. 3 day weekend ahead for me. I hear my scrap table calling me with this sketch.

    Great digi scrapping too.

  6. this sketch has a lot of possibilities and LOVE your layout - those pictures are toooo cute! I won't have time this week-end, but Tuesday is my day to scrap! yeah!!!

  7. Great sketch! And I will definitely be playing along!!!

  8. GREAT sketch and WAY TO GO with the digi layout!!

  9. wow! i forgot to praise you for a great job on this digi. your digi is as good as your traditional. beautiful blog, too.

  10. Beautiful sketch and layout Diana! Love the swirly ribbon and cute little bird! I really need to give digi a try!
