Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Hard to believe this little boy is Graduating High School this year. I just don't know where the time has gone. I still remember this day. When his teacher looked at me and said, I see great things with this little boy, he will be a great leader one day, be sure of that. He has always been so loved by his teachers and all of his teachers have always seen a leader (not me so much) he has been a good student but not the best he could be (guess that's a leader trade lol) I see now what those teachers have always said. Since he was 7 he knew he wanted a career in Computer Science and now he is pursuing that dream, he is in the IT Academy in his school and has done internships with the local government has had his hands in Computer Programming and Networking, loving both. He know he wants to be in this field, not sure what area he will concentrate in. He has a lot of goals I hope he reaches them all.

Here is that little boy now. He will always be my little boy.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. I can SO relate! My little boy is graduating too! Where does the time go?

  2. hey diana! what a lovely heartfelt salute to your son. very nice job on this page,too. how beautiful you looked! :) congrats to your son.

  3. What a gorgeous LO! And I LOVE that color palette ... what a treasure you've created!!
