Saturday, December 1, 2012

1st Day of Christmas

Good morning everyone!  For the next 12 days I will be doing the 12 Days of Christmas tags, here, on the Calendar Girls thread at Two Peas and on ScrapN'Chat, I will choose one lucky winner of a $20 Gift Certificate to an on line scrapbook store of their choice.  But you must have all 12 tags done by the Lucky 13th day at midnight.   Hope you can play.

                                                                                               My Sample 

Remember add your tag to Mr. linking to upload your tags here.  Make sure you upload 1st day of Christmas tag only here, I will have one for each day.

* I will put everyone's name who participates here, CG @ Two Peas and ScrapNChat and my little girl will pull out a name & One winner will be chosen,* 

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