Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year!!!


Hope you get a lot of scrappy time in 2013!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Christmas.

Saturday, December 15, 2012


And the Winner is..........................



Friday, December 14, 2012


Will be announce tonight.  Need to wait for Natalie to get home from school so that she can pick the name......  Stay tune... We had lots of beautiful cards.

Here are just some of the beautiful tags.

Thank you very much for playing, it was a lot of fun.





Wednesday, December 12, 2012


My true love gave to me..........
It's a bittersweet day, I've had so much fun seeing all the cards everyone has created.  
Remember you have until Midnight your time tomorrow December 13th, to post your tags to enter the drawing for the $20 gift certificate to the scrapbook store of your choice.

I love Santa, I collect them and I love vintage images of him, so for our last tag let's do a Santa Image, any style in any form.  Have fun.

Well my tree is up, tomorrow I need to fill in the hole because this one is pretty Holey!! lol.  
I'm going to stick a big poinsettia in them hole.

A few of my favorite ornaments.  These are all over 20 years old.  They withstood the toddler years of all three kids.  Soon it will really be a vintage Victoria tree. 

Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

On the 11th Day of Christmas Tag

On the 11th day of Christmas Tag.  Today we are going to get inspired by  Tim Holtz.
Here is a link to all his 12 days of Christmas cards. . Choose one or choose something from a few of them. Have fun.

Than you for stopping by.

Monday, December 10, 2012

On the 10th Day of Christmas Tag

10th Day of Christmas already, This tag was a lot of fun to do, I used a few different techniques.  
I used ink to distress the background and then I sprayed mist. I used stickles on the flower and on the joy.  I die cut the flower and the "Joy" was also distressed with in and stickled.  I used dots for dimension on the "Joy".
Have fun.

I finally started decorating today.  Natalie and I started with the Village, my mom use to do it for me ever year but she was just too tired to do it today and we really wanted to get it done already.
Can you see "Snowflake" he's our little elf who magically flew straight to the Village the minute it was finished.

 Left side
 Right side


I started collecting Santa Clauses a few years ago, I had to stop because I have no more room in my garage for anything else, but I sure do love them.

Here is my BIG DADDY of Santa Clause.

Thank you all for stopping by.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

On the Ninth Day of Christmas Tags

Well have you made your list and checked it twice, because Mr. Santa is in a big hurry to come by this year.  It seems as every year Christmas come around sooner and sooner.

Here is today's tag.  

Thank you for stopping by!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

On the Eighth Day of Christmas Tag

Today we are using a tag I pinned a while ago, it's by Lizzier
Here is a link to where she originally posted this. card.

and here is mine.  You don't have to make a Grinch card, you can get inspired by the colors or the design, but since I live with a wonderful Grinch when I saw this card I knew I had to make one, or who knows maybe even two, for my sister's Grinch.

Thank you for stopping by, have a fun weekend.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Day 7

We are on day 7 already, and I have to tell you that I have not purchased one gift.
I have not put out one Christmas ornament.  By this time last year my whole house was decorated my village was up and more than 1/2 of my gifts bought.
I'm just not in the Christmas spirit this year.

Well I will have 12 beautiful cards! and I am doing the December Daily so far so good.

Tonight is Winter Wonderland at Natalie's School, what that means is that Natalie get to go back to school in her pjs and their favorite teddy bear and have fun with her friends, play games, taking a picture with Santa and watch "The Orient Express" for the umpteenth time, while I get to have fun in the Gift shop dealing with 200+ people in a small crowded classroom.  Fun Right? Not? But Natalie loves when I volunteer at school and if was up to here I would spend my days volunteering at school.

                                       Add a touch of color.

Have a wonderful day.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

5 Day of Christmas Tag

Today's Tag have fun!

* I will put everyone's name who participates here, CG @ Two Peas and ScrapNChat and my little girl will pull out a name & One winner will be chosen,* 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Love this picture of Daniel and me.

Thanks for stopping by.

4th Day of Christmas

4 days into December already, time flies when you are having fun.
Here is today's tag.  Enjoy.

Remember add your tag to Mr. linking to upload your tags here.  

* I will put everyone's name who participates here, CG @ Two Peas and ScrapNChat and my little girl will pull out a name & One winner will be chosen,* 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Seven - Seventeen

I sure miss this boy.  Been reminiscing today, this boy has a way off making me so mad and yet bringing to much joy to my life.  We've had a few bumps on the road the first few month of college but I think they are on the way to getting much better.  Put him on a real budget, lets see how this works, apparently he things money grows on trees.   For someone who never asked for anything, he sure has made up for seventeen years in 3 months.  But I love him. 

Mr. Mom I love you!

3rd Day of Christmas Tags.

On the third day we are using any one of these 3 trees. 
I got them off Pinterest. inspired by.. KarenLynn, I need to find the next one I forgot to save the pin.

Remember add your tag to Mr. linking to upload your tags here.  Make sure you upload 1st day of Christmas tag only here, I will have one for each day.

* I will put everyone's name who participates here, CG @ Two Peas and ScrapNChat and my little girl will pull out a name & One winner will be chosen,* 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

A few LOs.

After doing a massive cleaning yesterday all day, I had a nice slice of pizza with a cup of wine for dinner and went straight to my computer to scrap.  I needed to relax.  
Guess what I'm doing today nothing.  Just relaxing, going to visit blogs and do nothing I have not done that in over 6 months it's about time.

Thanks for stopping by.

2 day of Christmas Tag

Good morning everyone!  For the next 12 days I will be doing the 12 Days of Christmas tags, here, on the Calendar Girls thread at Two Peas and on ScrapN'Chat, I will choose one lucky winner of a $20 Gift Certificate to an on line scrapbook store of their choice.  But you must have all 12 tags done by the Lucky 13th day at midnight.   Hope you can play.

Remember add your tag to Mr. linking to upload your tags here.  Make sure you upload 1st day of Christmas tag only here, I will have one for each day.

* I will put everyone's name who participates here, CG @ Two Peas and ScrapNChat and my little girl will pull out a name & One winner will be chosen,* 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

1st Day of Christmas

Good morning everyone!  For the next 12 days I will be doing the 12 Days of Christmas tags, here, on the Calendar Girls thread at Two Peas and on ScrapN'Chat, I will choose one lucky winner of a $20 Gift Certificate to an on line scrapbook store of their choice.  But you must have all 12 tags done by the Lucky 13th day at midnight.   Hope you can play.

                                                                                               My Sample 

Remember add your tag to Mr. linking to upload your tags here.  Make sure you upload 1st day of Christmas tag only here, I will have one for each day.

* I will put everyone's name who participates here, CG @ Two Peas and ScrapNChat and my little girl will pull out a name & One winner will be chosen,*