Sunday, February 24, 2013

Davie, FL Orange Blossom Festival & Rodeo

Today we headed out early to the Orange Blossom Festival in Davie FL, and the Rodeo, it was a lot of fun a bit on the hot side but a beautiful So. Florida day nonetheless. 

 At the Orange Blossom Festival

 They had a little gun fight like in the Old Wild West.  The girls really enjoyed this.  Natalie was interviewed by The Miami Herald, and I of course forgot to take pictures of the interview.

No Festival can do without feeding the animals.  Natalie was at first hesitant but by the end she even wanted to feed the calf they had.

A little pony ride.  She was almost too big to ride the pony, guess this is the last time she will be able to ride the ponies here.  It's kind of sad seeing how  quick she is growing.

 Monica, taking a close up of this cowboy, she was too funny, spotting him a mile away.  He rode the bronco and flew right over him, I don't think he lasted more that 2 seconds on the Bronc.

One of my favorite events the bull riding.

I don't remember he name I know she is from Ohio and what an amazing stunt woman she is.

Not crazy about this event, feel bad for the little calf although, I don't think they get hurt.

The reason I go to the Rodeo, I LOVE the Broncos. 
This year I did not see a lot of bucking like in other years, I don't know if they are made to buck less but I have noticed that they seem a lot more calmer.  But it's still my favorite event.

Monica and Natalie trying to pet the horse.

 This is a little 10 year old girl competing with woman in the Barrel races, and she did amazing.

I also did some scraping last night. from our trip last weekend to Jupiter Beach.

Thanks for stopping by.

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