Monday, April 29, 2013

The Baby

This one I did using the sketch at Scrap n'Chat.

I don't know what's going on with my camera, it's not taking the best of pictures these days.  I need to find a place to take it for an overhaul.  

On one of our many trip to American Girl, I should of bough stock on this.  It's a little girls paradise.
The first time she went to an American Girl Store her Aunt Mimi took her in Boston, then when she found out there were opening one at The Falls, immediately she wanted to go. 

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. What pretty pages. I love the papers and colors. Thanks for your sweet comment - and smashing is fun and less stress.

  2. wow, gorgeous LO's, you do faThanks for visiting my blog, waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥bulous work!
