Saturday, December 21, 2013

Week Two - December Daily

This week was full of adventure.  Natalie had two days of choirs at school and our family went on a little weekend getaway.
December 9 & 10
 Here is another day dedicated to Snowflake.  He opened my candy canes and gave them to all the Santas, then he decided to ride the reindeer.
 A Pirate's Christmas, day 1
Natalie is in the Choir and today was the first of 2 performance at the school.  She was supposed to
paint a mustache but she refused to do so, she can't look like a boy.
 This is a tag with all the pirates on stage, I think they all looked so cute.
They did a wonderful job.
 Journaling tags.
 Day 11 & 12
 Day 2 of a Pirate's Christmas.
Another wonderful performance.  The drama kids did great today.
 I'm going to put ornaments here, need to send the pictures to print.
Day 13
We took a short trip to Tarpon Springs,  We left Miami at 5:30 stopped for breakfast at Cracker Barrel and continue on our way. We got to the hotel room around 10:00am.  f course
The view from our room.  Stan was suppose to play golf but her hurt himself the weekend before so no golf for him. We took a long nap (we did that all weekend). 
My sister decided that we should go to Mickeys Christmas Party an 1 1/2 away. 
We left for the Magic Kingdom around 4:30pm, although I said we should leave around 2:30 so avoid traffic, of course no one listens to me so a 1:30 hr drive took 3:00 hours.  Padrino was livid (he is always livid not a happy person at all) got there and he never got over the 3 hour drive, therefore making all of our lives miserable. 
 The castle that evening turn so many different colors and one looked more beautiful than the other.  My favorite one with this one with the shades of blue and purple.  The Parade was also stunning every character came out that evening.

 I made this little tri= fold, I have so many pictures I wanted to add to this little book and had to thinks of ways to do it, without making it any thicker than what it already is.

 Day  14
 Saturday morning Stan and Padrino made breakfast, while us girls got ready to go.
Today is all about Padrino and his Greek heritage, he was so much happier this morning.
We loved this town, so  quaint and filled with everything Greek, so if you don't like everything Greek don't go there LOL!  We love Greek food and we had some amazing food.
We also did a lot of shopping and Stan bough sponges in every size, shape and form.
We bought Olives by the gallon, grape leave to last a year, oregano, cheese and what ever else we saw that we loved. We had lunch at Costas and Dinner at Hellas both delicious.  The best part of it all were all the amazing Greek deserts at Hellas they have their own bakery and their deserts are to die for.
We are going back soon just for deserts.
 Day  15
 Drive home, we all had a pretty restful weekend and no one slept on the way back.  Natalie got real bored close to home and decided to play with Padrino's hair, with her stinky feet.  Those little toes of her created amazing hair styles.  Too funny!
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Diana, this is WONDERFUL!
    This is a great way to preserve Christmas memories!

  2. WOW!!! You were busy busy!! Love it!

  3. Wow! Great album!! I love what your elf did! So cute! Love the vintage Santa and the rosettes you used!

  4. Looks great! You will have a wonderful book of memories when you are finished. Keep up the good work.

  5. Love your December daily pages. The castle pictures are beautiful. Stop by and share your creations on our DD link up!
