Saturday, December 12, 2009

Natalie's Birthday Invitation

On top of all the Christmas stuff I need to do, I also have Natalie's birthday at the end of the month. It's so hard to believe she is turning 5 it feels like it was yesterday when we brought her home one New Years Eve. She wants a princes party at the house I'm doing lots of other little things will be posting them as they get done.


Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Well, I wish I were a Royal Princess, so I could attned this ball. Deosn't it sound so magical? I think your little Princess will love this invitation. I know I do, and she is beautiful!
Kim xXx

Windy Robinson Life Handmade said...

What a great invitation... what a lucky little girl:)

Jamie Lane Designs said...

How fun! What a lucky little girl to have such a grand 5th bday! Invites are terrific!