Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sketches in Thyme and All About ME

Reveal Day at Sketches in Thyme This week's sketch is by Monma check out her blog her work is amazing.

Here is what I created. This is a photo of Mrs. Moreno the Principal of Natalie's pre-K school and her son Eric who works at the school, and did a great job with the CD's and Shirts.


It's ALL About ME this week we are dealing with our Demons. It was a difficult one until I decided to use it as a letter to my girls on what not to do if they inherit mommy's bad temper, impatience, big mouth and perfectionism (Natalie has the traits) I did some hidden journaling on how much easier my life would be and on how I have controlled some of it. My temper is my worse demon.

hope you can play with us.


Random Acts of Krafting said...

How gorgeous! Love the layouts.

Brenda said...

Both are gorgeous!!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

I love them both!!!! your sketches layout is spot on!!!! The clouds and little animated flowers are just perfect. AND the ribbon is soooo cute!

Wow, I see what you mean about the AAM!!!
Kim xXx

SABRI said...

They are so lovely layouts!!!

Fern said...

Diana, you've done a fabulous job on both layouts, the sketch layout is perfect. I love the photo, and the papers are just perfect!!
Your theme layout is so personal and so beautiful!! I think I can relate to some of the very same demons... I think it's wonderful how you journaled such a personal message to your daughters!! Beautiful job on both challenges!!!