My not so Rugged Boys and the want to be Rugged ones, on Daniel's 16th birthday this year. They always have a good time. Before HS Daniel never seem to fit with the ordinary kids, he is kind of a geek, guess he takes after his Mom and Dad LOL!!! Now in HS he has so many to choose from and he has a hand full of great friends and a beautiful smart GF.
Day TWO at the zoo in 96 degrees and 100% humidity but I took them back just so they could ride the camel and feed the Giraffes, we did sweet a lot but we also had a great girls day out. We will do it again in the winter months.
Book MarkTell me how cute these are? and for me very use full, I cook a lot and I do a lot of recipe cooking from my WW's books this is the best bookmark I have had to date, I think I'm going to make myself a few extra ones. I you want to see how to do them check out this month's Kitchen Challenge at
Challenge Masters.