Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Turning Point ***All About Me Challenge***

I did this one for the All about me Challenge blog,

I have had a few turning points in my life, at every turn I learned a valuable lesson. The turning point that has changed me the most and taught me the most, happened just about 3 years ago, when one evening while I was screaming and yelling like a lunatic, my little Natalie at that time a little over a year, had the same tantrum I was having. I looked at her and realized that I was not giving her the same loving carefree childhood my other two older kids had, that somewhere along the way I had become a very stressed out woman. I was always depress lost of things had happened in my life my choice that I could not turn back and I had to move on. I consulted the best Psychologist I had ever seen and I had seen a few. The very first day she knew just what was going on, she said my biggest problem was that I was overwhelmed, overwhelmed those words hit me, they hit me right were it counts. She said she you are stress, yes you are depress but the root of it all is you are overwhelmed, with all you have. She showed me the best tools, and it was me. She said if I start changing the whole house will run the way I want it. Little by little everything has turned around, I not overwhelmed any longer, I'm not depress I still get stressed out, I still yell and scream at the kids sometimes, but now I have the tools to control myself now I'm a much happier person and my kids know I'm back to being me.


janis said...

i am sooo moved with your story. thanks for sharing it with us over at aam! love the contrast in colors of the pictures you used as well as the design!!!!

Melissa said...

Diana this is so heartfelt! I appreciate you taking the time to participate in this challenge and being so REAL! Lovely layout!!!

Melissa from AAM

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

This layout is gorgeous! You are such a beautiful woman, inside and out! Thanks for sharing your turning point. I may need to take your advise!
Kim xXx

Kim said...

Diana, as always, your journaling is the best part of a layout that is artistically stunning! You never cease to amaze me, my beautiful friend! I am so glad you came to play at AAM!

iris said...

Diana you are a strong and beautiful woman. All the best to you.