Sunday, June 20, 2010

Carefree ***My Little Sketch Blook***

I was GD at My Little Sketch Blook, I love Liz's sketches, this one was totally out of my comfort zone but I really enjoyed working with it, and I am very pleased with the end result.

Here is her sketch



Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Fantastic take on the sketch! I love this sketch and hopefully if mom gets her surgery and comes home today, I will have time to play this week! These photos are just fantastic....
Kim xXx

Pat said...

Don't you just love Liz's sketches? I do! You did a fabulous job with this one.

Brenda said...

I like your mixtures of paper in this one. great layout!

Random Acts of Krafting said...

This is an amazing layout. Love the sitched circles and the spritz in the background.

Barb Craft said...

Diana.... Fabulous LO!! I love the way you used the sketch!! I saw this sketch and have not been brave enough to try it yet!!
barb :)

Litasteve said...

Great lay out....
out standing work....
I really liked your article. Keep up the good work.
sending flowers to Poland