Saturday, September 25, 2010

Precious Moments

We had such a great time last night at our monthly CTMH workshop at Melody. She is such an amazingly talented scrap. These pps are beautiful. I'm really loving this style of scrapping.

When I saw these papers I knew I had to use these photos of Natalie at Plymouth Harbor.

Thanks for stopping by.


Dawnll said...

What beautul colors to use with these pictures, wow, this is so pretty. Great job sweetie

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

don't you just love the CTMH papers? I sure did an incredible job with this two pager! And I agree, the papers were perfect for these photos. She is so beautiful!
Kim xXx

Brenda said...

Beautiful layout!! It's no secret that I love CTMH papers - and you've done a wonderful job with this set!